ho-me-refinancing.com -- Take Advantage on the Right Time When is the right time for home mortgage refinance? Generally, when the interest rate is lower than your current one, And when you think you will be in the home long enough to offset the cost of the refinance With the money you will save each month on your refinance. You have to pay closing cost each time you refinance. Determine the total cost of your refinance. It is not enough you only know how much you are going to pay monthly. These costs may include application fees, credit report, origination fees, and appraisal fees. In general the key of taking advantage of home mortgage refinance is The closing fees should not exceed the amount of money that you will save over the long run. Everyone have a different financial situation and there are many reasons to refinance in every situation. For instance, if you are making considerably more money since purchasing your home, You might consider refinancing for a better interest rate Or to pay off your debts earlier with a new home mortgage refinance loan. There are many advantages of home mortgage refinance. Such as • Tax-deductible Debt Consolidation • Lower Mortgage Payments • Lower Mortgage Interest Rates • Switch to a More Advantageous Term Length If you have decided to take a home mortgage refinance.Always talk to your present lender before looking for another lender.This will definitely cut the time of processing your application, as they already have your records ...